Media & Press

About ACG

The 2024 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course will convene in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from October 25 to 30, 2024. The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) is a recognized leader in educating GI professionals and the general public about digestive disorders. Our mission is to advance world-class care for patients with gastrointestinal disorders through excellence, innovation, and advocacy in the areas of scientific investigation, education, prevention, and treatment. To learn more about ACG, visit our website.

Press Credentials

Members of the working press are welcome to cover the 2024 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. Registration is free to working press who fulfill the criteria for Press Credentials below.

Journalists who have presented press credentials will receive press access to the ACG 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting. Press credentials include a business card, letter of assignment, or links to existing published articles. Patient advocates who write for an online patient community are also eligible to receive press access. Please email ACG Media Staff with any questions regarding registration.

To register for press credentials, submit the form here.

Embargo Policy

All research presented at ACG 2024 is strictly embargoed until 12:00 pm EDT on Sunday, October 27, 2024.

The embargo policy means that no news, information, results of any abstract, or research finding can be released to the media or published before 12:00 pm EDT on Sunday, October 27, 2024.

This embargo includes revealing anything about the results (including the title of the abstract—since often times the title indicates the finding) in a press release or “curtain raiser.”

If you have a question, please email mediaonly [at] gi [dot] org ACG Media Staff.

Newsworthy Abstracts & Press Releases

Newsworthy abstracts will be made available in early Fall. Newsworthy abstracts from ACG 2023 in Vancouver, Canada are available to view now.

Outside Press Conferences

Press conferences at ACG 2024 sponsored by exhibitors or groups other than ACG are outside press conferences. The College requests that no group schedule a press conference at the same time as any ACG-sponsored Media Briefings. As a courtesy, please notify ACG Media Team of plans to hold a press conference at ACG 2024 by emailing ACG Media Staff.


Media and Press