ACG Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts

Submission deadline:

June 2, 2025, 11:59pm (ET)

Join the community of GI clinicians and submit your research or case report for presentation at ACG 2025. Thousands of poster presentations and dozens of oral presentations will be delivered over four days. There are 17 Categories with more than 40 Awards – many for GI fellows-in-training only. With the exception of late-breaking abstracts, all accepted abstracts will be published in an online issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. The submission period opens on Monday, March 3, 2025, and closes on Monday, June 2, 2025, at 11:59pm (Eastern time). A nonrefundable processing fee of $70 (payable online via credit card in U.S. dollars) is required for each submitted abstract. Download complete submission instructions here.

Important 2025 Abstract Dates:

Monday, March 3 Abstract submission period opens
Monday, June 2, 11:59 pm (ET) Abstract submission period closes
Late July Notifications regarding acceptance disposition are emailed to Presenting Authors
Late July / Early August Deadline to accept invitation to present
Friday, September 5 Deadline for oral abstract presenters to submit a slide presentation
Friday, October 10 Deadline for poster presenters to submit an ePoster file and record 3-minute narrative
Sunday - Tuesday, October 26-28 Accepted poster presentations will be scheduled for display in Phoenix on one of these days
Monday, October 27 Endoscopy Video Forum (Details below)
Monday - Wednesday, October 27-29 Accepted oral abstracts will be scheduled for in-person presentation on one of these days

Abstract Categories:

  • Biliary/Pancreas
  • Clinical Vignettes/Case Reports (5 or fewer patients only)
  • Colon
  • Colorectal Cancer Prevention
  • Diet, Nutrition, and Obesity
  • Endoscopy Video Forum
  • Esophagus
  • Functional Bowel Disease
  • General Endoscopy (EGD, colonoscopy, sedation, etc.)
  • GI Bleeding
  • IBD
  • Infections and Microbiome
  • Interventional Endoscopy (ERCP, EUS, ESD, bariatric endoscopy, etc.)
  • Liver
  • Pediatrics
  • Practice Management (quality, EMR, healthcare disparities, malpractice, etc.)
  • Small Intestine
  • Stomach and Spleen

Live from Phoenix! The 13th Annual Endoscopy Video Forum

Share your unique case or case series with colleagues by submitting a video abstract to the 13th Annual Endoscopy Video Forum for ACG 2025.

Held on Monday afternoon, October 27, 2025, this 75-minute session will focus on endoscopy techniques, challenging, unusual or unique cases, and cases in the area of GI endoscopy. All submitted videos will be considered for oral presentation during this special video symposium. Videos not selected for oral presentation at the Endoscopy Video Forum session may instead be accepted for poster presentation in the exhibit hall.

Submissions can be a case or a case series and should be no longer than 5 minutes in length. Authors of videos accepted for oral presentation at the Endoscopy Video Forum will narrate and present their video live and will have up to 2 minutes to answer questions from the judges and the audience. During the session, the audience, along with the judges, will vote to select the best video of the ACG 2025 meeting. The presenter of the winning video will receive a certificate of recognition.

For details, download the Endoscopy Video submission guidelines.

Abstract Awards and Special Recognition:

  • ACG Auxiliary Awards
  • ACG Case Reports Journal Awards
  • ACG Governors Awards for Excellence in Clinical Research
  • APP Research Award
  • Category Awards
  • Fellows Awards
  • Health Equity Research Abstract Award*
  • International Award
  • Lawlor Resident Award
  • Medical Student Award
  • Pediatric GI Award
  • Radhika Srinivasan Gender-Based Research Award*

*To be considered for this award, you must indicate your interest in the Awards section during submission of your abstract.

Recipients of named awards will be selected by the Abstract Selection Committee based on scores and merit of qualifying abstracts submitted, and the criteria for each award. These recipients will be noted in printed and online meeting materials; recipients of a named award for a poster abstract will receive a blue ribbon pinned to their poster at the meeting. Many named awards are also accompanied by a certificate and stipend. For details, download the ACG abstract awards overview.

ACG International Travel Grants – The ACG International Travel Grant program, which started in 2024, provides grants to presenting authors from countries classified by the World Bank as Lower to Lower-Middle Income (LLMI). This grant includes registration for the Annual Scientific Meeting plus a $2,000 stipend. Up to three grants will be awarded to the best abstracts submitted by international authors from LLMI countries. Authors must not be based in or be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada and all work must have been performed outside the U.S. and Canada. Recipients will be required to travel to and attend the ACG Annual Meeting in-person to receive their grant funding. It is the responsibility of the grant recipient to book and pay for travel and accommodations. The goal of these grants is to encourage research in gastroenterology in LLMI countries and inspire researchers to present their research at the ACG Annual Meeting. These travel grants are contingent upon the person listed as the presenting author presenting the research and do not apply if someone other than the recipient presents. The International Travel Grants are supported by the ACG International Relations Committee. Recipients are determined by the ACG International Relations Committee and ACG Abstract Selection Committee.

Presidential Poster Award

Each year, a small percentage of accepted abstracts are honored with a Presidential Poster Award. Determined by the ACG Abstract Selection Committee prior to the meeting, high-quality abstracts that detail novel, unique and interesting research receive this distinction. Presidential Poster Award recipients will receive a blue ribbon pinned to their poster at the meeting.

Outstanding Poster Presenter

The College is pleased to continue the “Outstanding Poster Presenter” recognition at this year’s ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. This extremely popular aspect of the Annual Meeting fosters the development of critical storytelling and presentation skills essential for a career as a clinical investigator and scientific communicator. All Presenting Authors standing with their posters at the assigned time are eligible. During the daily Poster Rounds with the Experts, poster presenters may be invited to give a succinct and informative two-minute briefing on their research followed by one minute of Q & A with a faculty judge. Each judge selects one or more Outstanding Poster Presenters, who are those judged best able to communicate their key findings, the significance of their data, and the potential impact of their work for clinicians and patients. Outstanding Poster Presenters will receive a red ribbon at the meeting.