Oral Abstract and Poster Presenter Information

Oral Abstract and Poster Presenters

Please note: All abstract presenters (oral, video, and poster) are required to register for the Annual Scientific Meeting, and are responsible for payment of appropriate registration fees and for arranging their own transportation and hotel accommodations. Annual Scientific Meeting registration is free for all ACG members, including member Residents and Trainees. We offer the Annual Meeting at a discounted rate of $50 for Non-member Residents/Trainees who upload a letter from their Program Director verifying status.

Change Requests: Please note that there will be no mechanism for changing the date or time of your presentation. If you are unable to present your abstract on the date that has been assigned, you must designate another author or a colleague who is attending the meeting in Philadelphia to present in your place.

Embargo Policy: All research presented at ACG 2024 is strictly embargoed until 12:00 pm ET on Sunday, October 27, 2024. The embargo policy means that no news, information, results of any abstract, or research finding can be released to the media or published before 12:00 pm ET on Sunday, October 27, 2024. This embargo includes revealing anything about the results (including the title of the abstract, since often times the title indicates the finding) in a press release or “curtain raiser.” If you have questions, please email the ACG Media Staff.

Information for Oral Abstract and Video Presenters

Oral podium presentations will take place Monday through Wednesday, October 28-30, 2024. The majority of oral presenters will be allotted a maximum of 7 minutes for the talk followed by a 3-minute question and answer period. EXCEPTION: If you are assigned to present your talk during one of the two Presidential Plenary sessions (Papers 1-10 only) on Monday morning, October 28, you will be allowed a maximum of 9 minutes for the talk followed by a 3-minute discussion period, for a total of 12 minutes. This timing will be strictly enforced by the session moderators and you will be cut off if necessary to keep the sessions running on time. (In accordance with ACG and ACCME guidelines, the presenting author of an oral abstract may not be an employee of a commercial interest; this does not apply to poster presenters).

Oral abstract presenters will be required to submit their slide presentations to ACG by Friday, September 6, 2024. Presentation files should contain no more than 12 slides, and must be in the 16:9 widescreen slide format. Presentation guidelines are provided upon acceptance notification, and can also be downloaded here.

Video presentations selected for the Endoscopy Video Forum will take place on Monday afternoon, October 28, 2024. Authors of abstracts accepted for this session will be required to narrate their video during this session. Additional information is provided upon acceptance notification, and can also be downloaded here.

Information for Poster Presenters

Abstracts accepted for poster presentation will take place in the Exhibit Hall on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, October 27-29, and accepted posters will be scheduled for display on one of those days. Presenting authors will receive the assigned date and time of their poster presentation, along with the assigned poster number, when acceptance notifications are sent out in July. No changes in dates or times will be permitted. Poster presentation guidelines are provided upon acceptance notification, and can also be downloaded here.

Each presenter is responsible for printing, hanging and removing his/her own poster material. Poster display times are listed below. Authors will need to wear their registration badge to enter the Exhibit Hall, as it will not be open to attendees during the poster set-up times. All poster boards will be located in the rear of the Hall. Any posters left after the Exhibit Hall closes each day will be discarded that night.

Posters should remain on display until 6:45 pm on Sunday, 4:15 pm on Monday, and 4:00 pm on Tuesday. Poster authors are responsible for removing their posters at the end of the day. The College cannot be responsible for these materials. Any posters not removed at the end of each day’s session will be discarded that night.

Each presenter is assigned a poster bulletin board that is 6 ft (183 cm) wide by 4 ft (122 cm) tall. The printed poster should be sized to fit within these dimensions. The recommended poster size is 64 inches wide x 36 inches high (163 cm wide x 92 cm high). The maximum poster size is 69 inches wide x 45 inches high (175 cm wide x 114 cm high). Pushpins will be available at each board. Each poster board will display the assigned poster number.

If you are the presenting author for multiple posters scheduled for the same day, you may ask a co-author to be present at one of the posters during the time you are required to be stationed with your posters. If that is not possible, we recommend posting a sign on one of the posters indicating you will be standing at a different poster, and include your cell phone number so reviewers can text to have you come to the other poster.

Presenting authors of accepted posters must be stationed at their poster during their designated 75-minute period on the day their poster is scheduled for display.

Set-up, display and presentation times are as follows:
Day Set-up Time Poster Display Time Authors Stand With Their Posters Removal Time*
Sunday, October 27 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 6:45 pm 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm 6:45 pm – 7:00 pm
Monday, October 28 8:30 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 4:15 pm 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm
Tuesday, October 29 8:30 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 4:00 pm 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm 4:00 pm – 4:15 pm

*Any posters left after the Exhibit Hall closes each day will be discarded that night.

Poster Printing

Poster authors are responsible for printing their posters. Presenters have the option to order their printed poster through the scientific poster printing service, Genigraphics, a cost-effective solution for printing and shipping posters directly to ACG 2024 in Philadelphia. Genigraphics also offers poster hanging service for an additional fee -- presenters using the hanging service are still required to register for and attend ACG 2024 to present their poster in-person in Philadelphia, and stand with their poster during their designated 75-minute period on the scheduled day of display. Presenters who order their poster through Genigraphics can pick it up at their poster pickup desk located outside the Exhibit Hall of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Poster pick-up times are: Saturday, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Monday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; and Tuesday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Poster hanging can be ordered when you order your poster printing. For free templates, pricing, and ordering of poster services, visit Genigraphics.com/ACG.

Outstanding Poster Presenter Recognition

The College is pleased to continue the “Outstanding Poster Presenter” recognition at this year’s ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. ACG is working to cultivate the ability of clinical GI researchers to use critical storytelling and presentation skills essential for a career as a clinical investigator and scientific communicator.

During the daily Poster Rounds with the Experts, poster presenters may be invited to give a succinct and informative one- to two-minute briefing on their research, followed by one minute of Q & A with a faculty judge. Each judge will select one or more “Outstanding Poster Presenters” who are best able to communicate their key findings, the significance of their data, as well as to articulate the potential impact of their work for clinicians and patients. Outstanding Poster Presenter recipients will be recognized with a red ribbon awarded on-site (winners may keep the ribbon), and will be emailed a certificate after the meeting. Multiple awards may be made in each abstract category.

Only presenters standing with their physical posters in the Exhibit Hall during the assigned time are eligible to receive this distinction.