Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Period – Opens Soon

Late-breaking Abstract submission period will open on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Deadline to submit is Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at 11:59 pm (Eastern time).

Instructions for Late-Breaking Abstract Submission

ACG will consider late-breaking abstracts of high-quality clinical research results that were not available or fully analyzed at the general (June 17, 2024) abstract deadline for the ACG 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting. ACG will consider extending the program to create a few additional oral presentation slots to accommodate submissions of great merit and clinical interest. The College invites abstracts from all clinicians, including gastroenterologists, internists, surgeons, hepatologists, radiologists, pediatricians, fellows-in-training, and advance practice providers. Authors who are not ACG members may submit abstracts. Each submitted abstract must include a disclosure declaration indicating all financial relationships with any ineligible companies over the past 24 months for each author on the abstract. Download the form from the link below, complete it and email the completed Word document (not a PDF) to Any author who refuses to disclose financial relationships will be disqualified from being a part of this CME activity. For complete information on Call for Abstracts policies and procedures, view the abstract submission instructions; late-breaking abstract submissions must also adhere to the same overall requirements and guidelines as those for the general abstracts. Acceptance and non-acceptance notifications will be emailed to presenting authors shortly after the submission deadline.


  • Do NOT resubmit abstracts already considered during the regular 2024 abstract review process. Late-breaking abstracts should describe high-quality clinical research results that were not available or fully analyzed at the general (June 17, 2024) abstract deadline.
  • Clinical vignettes, case reports, and video submissions will NOT be considered as late-breaking abstracts.
  • Late-breaking abstracts are considered only for oral presentation and NOT as posters.
  • Abstracts submitted during the late-breaking abstract process will not be published in the October supplement issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts are required to present in person in Philadelphia and register as an attendee of the ACG 2024 Scientific Meeting.

Preparation of Abstract

Title and Authors: Title should be brief and clearly state the content of the paper. List the presenting author's name first. List the institution, city, and state where the work was done. Authors are instructed to not include any direct or indirect reference to their institution(s). AUTHORS WHO ARE FELLOWS OF ACG SHOULD INCLUDE FACG (see format below).

Example: Polyp Detection Trends. Margaret Nguyen, MD, FACG, Daniel Bauer, MD, MPH, Shima Rustagi, DO, John Zhou, BS, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD

Body: Organize the body of the abstract as follows:

  1. Purpose of the study (one sentence if possible)
  2. Simple statement of methods
  3. Summary of results obtained
  4. Statement of the conclusions reached (do not state: "The results will be discussed.")
General Instructions:
  • Standard abbreviations may be used: RBC, gm, kg, mg, ml, % (percent), / (per)
  • A maximum of 1 image file is allowed. The image can be a figure, photograph, table, x-ray, graph, etc. The image should be submitted as a separate file, and should not be placed in the Word document abstract. File format must be .jpg, and file size cannot exceed 1 MB.
  • Abstracts cannot contain any advertising, corporate logo, trade name or a product-group message of an ACCME-defined ineligible company. Do not use proprietary names in the abstract. Generic names are typed in lowercase.
  • Splitting the results of research into multiple abstracts (i.e., minor variations of a drug treatment protocol) is discouraged. Abstracts chosen for oral presentation must be delivered by an author who speaks and understands English well enough to ensure satisfactory understanding and later discussion.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, all correspondence will be conducted with the Presenting Author, who will deliver the abstract in Philadelphia in the event the abstract is accepted.
  • Authors are invited to submit complete manuscripts to the Editors of The American Journal of Gastroenterology to be considered for publication.
  • Font Style and Size: All abstracts should be submitted using Arial or Times Roman font, in either 10 or 12 font size. Abstract titles should be typed in upper and lower case letters.
  • Abstract Length: The size limit of the abstract body is 2,500 characters, including spaces but not including title and authors information.
  • Category: Please select one category from this list and include it on your submission: Biliary/Pancreas; Colon; Colorectal Cancer Prevention; Esophagus; Functional Bowel Disease; General Endoscopy (EGD, colonoscopy, sedation, etc.); GI Bleeding; IBD; Interventional Endoscopy (ERCP, EUS, ESD, bariatric endoscopy, etc.); Liver; Obesity; Pediatrics; Practice Management (quality, EMR, healthcare disparities, malpractice, etc.); Small Intestine; Stomach.

How to Submit a Late-Breaking Abstract

STEP 1: Each submitted abstract must include a disclosure declaration indicating all financial relationships with any ineligible companies over the past 24 months for each author on the abstract. Download the disclosure form from the link below, complete it, and return it to ACG by the August 27 deadline. Email it as a Word file (not a PDF) to Any author who refuses to disclose financial relationships will be disqualified from being a part of this CME activity. Download Disclosure Declaration form. Policies for Disclosure and Participation: The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. ACG, as an ACCME accredited provider, ensures balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its directly and jointly provided education activities. All who are in a position to control the content of an accredited activity are required to disclose to ACG all financial relationships in any amount occurring in the past 24 months with ineligible companies (see definition in Disclosure Declaration Form). The ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence require that ACG disqualify individuals who refuse to provide this information from involvement in the planning and implementation of accredited continuing education. For all those in control of CME content, ACG will identify and mitigate relevant financial relationships prior to the individuals assuming their roles, and will disclose all relevant financial relationships to the learners prior to the beginning of an education activity.
STEP 2: Payment Information: A NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee of $70.00 (USD) per abstract is required. Authors can make a secure payment online. Once the submission fee has been paid, the abstract can be emailed. Online payment will ONLY be accepted between August 13-27. A payment link will be provided here on August 13.
STEP 3: Abstract submissions will ONLY be accepted from August 13-27, 2024. After providing payment, the abstract can be emailed (email address will be provided here starting August 13). Acceptance and non-acceptance notifications will be emailed to presenting authors in early September.