7:55 am |
Introduction by Course Directors |
8:00 am |
Session 2A: Foregut Focus: New Trends and Best Practices in Care
Moderator: C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG
- Grappling With GERD: New Frontiers in GERD Diagnostics and Therapeutics
C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG
Outline a practical approach to applying the Lyon 2.0 classification in diagnosing GERD, determine how to position therapies (PPIs vs PCABs), and decide when to de-escalate therapy.
- Getting Unstuck: Positioning of Esophageal Motility Testing in Patients With Esophageal Motility Disorders
Reena V. Chokshi, MD, FACG
Explain esophageal motility tests and the indications and optimal timing for utilizing various testing methods.
- Besting Barrett’s: Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Barrett’s Esophagus
Allon Kahn, MD, FACG
Discuss advancements in BE screening modalities and treatment options, and applying updated screening, surveillance, and therapeutic criteria to enhance patient outcomes.
- Stomach This: Approach to Precancerous Gastric Lesions
Robert J. Huang, MD, MS
Develop a patient-centric approach to managing precancerous gastric lesions in a diverse population.
- Panel Q & A
9:40 am |
Break |
10:00 am |
Hospital Medicine and Gastroenterology: Integrated Care for Better Outcomes
Moderator: Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG
- Balancing Act: Managing Active Bleeding and Risk of Thrombosis in the Hospital
Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG
Outline strategies for managing anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy in high-risk thrombotic patients admitted with active GI bleeding.
- Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis: Optimizing Inpatient Management for Improved Outcomes
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG
Discuss evidence-based strategies for managing hospitalized patients with ASUC, focusing on timely interventions to improve patient outcomes.
- Managing Cirrhosis and Its Complications: Inpatient Strategies for Optimal Care
Jasmohan S. Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG
Assess effective inpatient strategies for managing cirrhosis and complications such as ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and variceal bleeding, to improve patient outcomes.
- Diverticular Disease: Unpacking the Pockets of Mystery and Navigating Effective Management
Lisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACG
Explain the complexities of diverticular disease, focusing on its diagnosis, management strategies, and prevention of complications.
- Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Colitis and Other GI-Related Adverse Events: Management and Insights
Yinghong Wang, MD, PhD, MS
Explore management strategies for immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis and other gastrointestinal-related adverse events associated with immunotherapy.
- Panel Q & A
12:00 pm |
Break for Learning Luncheons |
12:20 pm –
1:35 pm |
Sunday Optional Learning Luncheon Bonus Sessions
ACG has combined the popular in-person Learning Luncheons with on-demand access to the pre-recorded lectures for ALL 25 Learning Luncheon Bonus Sessions. Add this optional package to your Postgraduate Course registration for even more first-class education that provides an additional 18 hours of CME/MOC credit!
You must register for the Postgraduate Course in order to purchase the optional Learning Luncheon Bonus Sessions package. Both in-person and virtual registrants can purchase this add-on package. In-person attendees purchasing the package will be able to select a Saturday and a Sunday luncheon presentation to attend during the registration process.
- Feeling Green: A Practical Approach to Chronic Nausea and Vomiting
Reena V. Chokshi, MD, FACG
Identify a framework for diagnosing and treating patients with nausea and vomiting, including advanced surgical therapies for patients with medically refractory symptoms.
- Runaway Poo: Approach to Chronic Diarrhea
Christopher D. Vélez, MD
Summarize the framework for diagnosing and managing chronic diarrhea, with a focus on underlying causes and evidence-based treatment strategies.
- Should I Worry? Approach to Abnormal Liver Tests
Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG
Summarize the framework for diagnosing, interpreting, and managing abnormal liver tests, including biochemical and imaging studies.
- Whole Person Care: Special Health Care Maintenance Considerations in Patients With IBD
Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG
Describe health care maintenance considerations specific to patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
- Precision Polypectomy: Mastering Techniques for Safe and Effective Removal
Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG
Explore advanced polypectomy techniques, emphasizing precision, safety, and the latest innovations in endoscopic polyp removal.
- Can’t Go, Won’t Go: Everything You Need to Know About Postsurgical Dysphagia
C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG
Assess the evaluation and management of postsurgical dysphagia, including for patients with prior fundoplication, bariatric surgery, and Heller myotomy.
- Mastering Difficult Biliary Cannulation: Techniques and Tips for Success
Douglas G. Adler, MD, FACG
Identify advanced techniques and strategies for successfully performing biliary cannulation in challenging cases.
- Untangling the Web: Tackling the Complications of Crohn’s Disease
David T. Rubin, MD, FACG
Apply a multidisciplinary approach to the management of strictures and abscesses in Crohn’s disease.
- Food Sensitivities and Allergies: Fact or Fiction in the GI Tract?
Anthony J. Lembo, MD, FACG
Clarify the distinctions between food allergies and sensitivities, their impact on the gastrointestinal tract, and provide effective management strategies.
- Chronic Pancreatitis: Evaluation, Management, and Emerging Therapies
Allison L. Yang, MD, MPH
Describe the medical and endoscopic management of chronic pancreatitis, including development of a multidisciplinary program.
- Short Gut, Big Challenges: Intestinal Rehab and Management of Short Bowel Syndrome
Berkeley Nguyen Limketkai, MD, PhD, FACG, and Neha Shah, MPH, RD
Describe short bowel syndrome, including new therapeutics, nutritional considerations, and management of complications.
- Ergonomics in Endoscopy: Enhancing Precision and Comfort
Patrick E. Young, MD, FACG
Explore ergonomic principles and strategies that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and comfort in endoscopy while reducing strain for practitioners.
- The Art of History and Physical Examination in a Patient With Abdominal Pain
Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG
Identify ways to optimize the evaluation of a patient with abdominal pain, including how to effectively use a stethoscope in diagnosing GI disease.
1:35 pm |
Break |
1:45 pm –
3:00 pm |
Simultaneous Symposia
Symposium D: Integrative Approaches in Gastroenterology: Exploring Complementary and Alternative Therapies [LIVESTREAM]
Moderator: David J. Hass, MD, FACG
- CAM and Other Unconventional Avenues for IBD Relief: Unlocking the Potential and Pitfalls of Alternative Therapies/CAM Solutions
Jami A. R. Kinnucan, MD, FACG
Explore the role of complementary and alternative medicine, including cannabis in managing inflammatory bowel disease, focusing on both the potential benefits and risks of non-traditional treatments.
- CAM Secrets: Transforming Functional GI Disorders
David J. Hass, MD, FACG
Discuss the benefits and risks of using complementary and alternative medicine, including cannabis, for functional gastrointestinal disorders.
- Digital Dilemmas: How to Help Patients Choose the Right GI Behavioral Health Digital Therapeutic
Xiao Jing (Iris) Wang, MD
Identify the pros and cons of different GI-specific behavioral health therapeutics and determine how to help patients choose from an ever-growing list.
- Panel Q & A
Symposium E: The Surprise Package: Decoding Incidentalomas in Gastroenterology
Moderator: Julius M. Wilder, MD, PhD
- Spotlight on Liver Lesions: Uncovering the Mystery of Focal Findings
Julius M. Wilder, MD, PhD
Identify diagnostic and management strategies for focal liver lesions.
- Cysts With a Twist: Unraveling the Mysteries of Pancreatic Lesions
Tamas A. Gonda, MD
Describe the approach, surveillance, radiologic/endoscopic features, and management of various pancreatic cysts, and how to incorporate the guidelines into clinical practice.
- “Beneath the Surface”: Decoding Submucosal GI Lesions
Linda S. Lee, MD, FACG
Elucidate the identification and management of submucosal lesions in the GI tract.
- Panel Q & A
Symposium F: Autoimmune GI Disorders
Moderator: Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH, FACG
- Mysteries Revealed: Unraveling Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathies
Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH, FACG
Describe diagnostic challenges in patients with suspected eosinophilic gastroenteropathies, focusing on histologic criteria and treatment strategies.
- Grains of Truth: Update on the Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease
Carol E. Semrad, MD, FACG
Explore the latest updates in the diagnosis and management of celiac disease, including serology-based diagnostic methods, the role of gluten rechallenge for duodenal biopsies, and strategies for addressing persistent symptoms in patients adhering to a gluten-free diet.
- Unlocking the Liver: Decoding Autoimmune Liver Diseases
Kelly W. Burak, MD, MSc (Epid)
Discuss the diagnostic criteria, clinical presentations, and evidence-based management strategies for autoimmune liver diseases, including AIH, PBC, and checkpoint inhibitors.
- Panel Q & A
3:00 pm |
Break |
3:20 pm |
Session 2C: Innovations in Gastroenterology: Shaping the Future of Digestive Health
Moderator: Linda Anh B. Nguyen, MD, FACG
- Advances in Diagnostic Strategies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Millie D. Long, MD, MPH, FACG
Explore the latest advancements in diagnostic techniques for IBD, focusing on innovative tools and methodologies that enhance early detection, accuracy, and personalized treatment approaches.
- Gadgets and Gizmos: New Tools for the Evaluation of Patients With GI Motility Disorders
Linda Anh B. Nguyen, MD, FACG
Analyze body surface mapping, quantitative MR enterography, capsule technology, and confocal luminal endomicroscopy options for patients with GI motility disorders.
- AI in GI: What You Need to Know to Not Be Obsolete
Brennan Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACG
Discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on gastroenterology, and how clinicians can stay up-to-date in this rapidly evolving field.
- Panel Q & A
4:50 pm |
Take-Home Pearls: What Did We Learn Today?
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG, and Linda Anh B. Nguyen, MD, FACG
Identify important and practical take-home messages from today’s talks. |
5:10 pm |
Postgraduate Course Adjourns |